<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Mold Misery - Live Blood Photomicrographs of Mold - Graphium





Statute of Limitations


Hours before the statute of limitations was to run out, my lawyer filed a law suit.

The first task was to prove there is mold.  We had the test results from August 2001, but we did not know exactly how to interpret the results.  "Hyphal fragments" obviously means that the laboratory could see pieces of hyphae from unidentified spores.  This said, I now understand something that is really important:  it also means that the mold is colonizing and active.  I did not understand this until attending the seminar last week.  Also, it was not until just recently that I understood that hyphae attach to the lungs . . .

There was a lot more I did not understand, so let me continue the story.

I ordered another inspection, this time with the intent of finding all problems.  For those faced with similar dilemmas, let me simply say that an air quality test can be useful, but if mold is found, the cause must be identified and corrected.  This requires an inspection, and this is best performed by someone experienced who understands both construction and mold. 

This person will produce a written report with recommendations upon which his professional credibility depends. Expect to pay a lot of money for this kind of test, upwards of $1500 depending on the size of the property and how many samples are collected.

This time, the type of testing performed involved a totally different process, something called lift tape or sometimes tape lifts.  Basically, it is simple enough:  gently press the tape against a suspect surface and send the tape, under chain of custody, to a licensed laboratory that specializes in mold identification.

Being very interested in microscopy, I asked if I could be present when the technician examined the tapes.  She phoned me when she found something.  Bob, the man I met at the Seattle seminar, and I rushed over to see what she had found.  She said it was graphium.  It looked very much like what one sees on doctorfungus.org.  She showed me some enlargements that made graphium look like a nuclear bomb explosion.

It's one of the dangerous molds and is often confused with aspergillus, meaning the technician could also have misidentified it. To make a more accurate ID, one would have to take viable samples and incubate them.  This requires different testing methods.

Bob was the one who interviewed lawyers specializing in mold litigation; he was the one who talked to mold inspectors and remediators; and he had also looked in the microscope at the mold laboratory. In July 2004, Bob died.  We had shared many experiences and become very close so it was a great loss.

One day when I was looking at my own blood, I felt Bob's presence very strongly.  I could almost hear him telling me to look a little more to the right of the sample. 

I heeded his psychic prompt from the Great Beyond and looked to the right and saw a perfect match for what we had seen in the laboratory.  What you see are red blood cells (on the left) scurrying away from the mold.  The white on the bottom right is simply the edge of the sample.

Photomicrograph of Mold

This is what it looked like the next morning.  All the blood was gone. The control slide was normal for the same amount of time.

Photomicrograph of Mold

Probably, we should flip these over so they look more like plants.  The stalk-like object is the hypha, meaning that the mold is not only viable but feeding . . . on organic material, in this case, my blood!

In Germany, I had been looking at a lot of blood samples from patients. We were photographing much of what we saw and taking special note of objects we could not identify.  It was fascinating, but I never saw anything similar what I found in my own blood.

This discovery changed my life and career.  If I had not seen this, and if the process had been more conventional, i.e., based mainly on tests of cognitive functioning, the direct line connecting air quality testing and human health would have been lacking. Unfortunately, I now had proof of mold infection.

Next, I went back over countless photomicrographs of patients in Germany and Austria.  I realized I had been seeing mold, but not as clearly as on the pictures above, which are truly excellent images.

There was a patient named Annegret Ast.  She had ovarian cancer.  We shared a great love of animals, and I visited her on her ranch near Salzburg where she had 42 animals, mostly with histories of neglect or abuse.  I greatly respected and admired her work and will never forget how an adorable cat named Silver pushed an apple out the window so a wonderful little Shetland pony named Lotte could join our breakfast feast one morning.  Annegret had made some apricot liqueur, and we decided to create some herbal formulas using her homemade brew.  I accompanied her downstairs and was horrified to see black mold on one entire wall, stretching from the floor to the level of the hips or higher.  It was the wall bearing the brunt of melting snow.  She said that the last person to live in that house lived to be 92. 

She died in October last year at the age of 52, leaving two children and 42 animals without a mother.

As I have said, this journey has been very painful.

With blessings!

Ingrid Naiman
8 October 2005




Notice:  The material on this site is based on the personal experiences and research of Ingrid Naiman, the site owner.  While every effort has been made to present accurate information, neither the site owner or web service provider claim the material will prevent or cure any medical condition, and no responsibility for the application of the information on this site is assumed by the any of the parties providing the content on this site.  None of the statements made on the site are intended to replace the services of health care or mold professionals.

Disclaimer: The information on this site has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.