There are many people who have spent their
entire lives studying immunity. I will not copy them,
repeat what has already been said, nor gloss over this important
topic. Rather, I hope to contribute something that
is more thought provoking and ultimately empowering.
When the AIDS epidemic began,
I developed a theory of immunity that was based on observations
made in my clinic. I had studied Eastern philosophy
and Ayurveda for years and had a theory about energy being
in a state of magnetic attraction, radiatory expenditure,
or neutrality. I published an article in a metaphysical
magazine in the late 70s on this subject and then wrote a
very short book about Immunity some years later. It's
not irrelevant today, but it is perhaps not practical enough
for readers of this site.
My central thesis was that
unlike the skeletal system and muscular system or even the
digestive system, there is really nothing that can be precisely
labeled an immune system. There are, however, many
immune functions, and these are important because understanding
them gives you more ability to influence what is happening
in your body.
You might say that immunity
consists of:
(1) resistance, the power
to thwart an invader or potential pathogen so as to reduce
its danger to you;
(2) self awareness so that
the self and not-self are clearly recognized and attack
forces can target foreign organisms;
(3) protection, such as avoidance
of risks;
(4) healthy white blood cells.
I believed that tougher membranes
augmented the power to rebuff harmful organisms and that
this ruggedness is primarily determined by the viscosity
on the surface of cells, usually a lipid membrane. I
studied culinary and supplemental oils for many years and
eventually came to accept that ghee, made from non-GMO butter,
is probably the best source of fats. Moreover, just
as stated in Ayurvedic texts, it seems to increase immunity.
How did I come to this conclusion? Well,
I was consulting in Germany where nearly every patient proudly
confided that he or she used the very finest extra virgin
olive oil. I do not know who buys the lesser grade,
no one I met in Europe ever claimed to be using anything
but the best. Then, one day, I was looking at the blood
of someone from Sri Lanka and noted that it was far and away
nicer looking than that of others I had been seeing. Then,
there was another Sri Lankan and when I was in Switzerland,
I had the same experience looking at the blood of a Pakistani
man. I immediately proposed that some patients experiment
by switching to ghee. The improvement was dramatic.
We have to be very careful
about oils because they are marvelous sources of rancidity
and other horrors. Almost no oil is processed properly
and there is always a new kid on the block. For instance,
when margarine was first introduced, there was a holy war
between the butter and margarine industries and countless
researchers were discredited, fired, and sabotaged for their
heresies, nearly all of which were economic not medical.
When canola oil appeared, I
was very suspicious because it had so much press behind it
that I figured very big money was involved. I was right,
very big, as in the evil of evils, Monsanto and its genetically
modified rape seed, which was recalled on at least one occasion. It's
everywhere, including the roadsides of Europe where it is
being used to make biodiesel fuel, but let's stay focused
and keep in mind that big investments mean lots of advertising
and promotion but safety is usually not the main issue.
I have looked at the blood
of hundreds of people. Trust me: ghee produces
exactly what I want to see, but it must be of a good quality.
Avoidance of Risks
Some of the points I made at
the outset were almost esoteric, but protection includes
avoidance of risk. These risks are so numerous that
any attempt to itemize them would result in more omissions
than inclusions. Suffice it to say that when margins
have been eroded by mold exposure and prolonged illness,
more caution is indicated. The single most important
precaution might be avoidance of further exposure: remediate
or leave.
Next, avoid everything with
strong odors as well as strong radiation. This means
x-rays as well as the radiation emitted by cell phones. Get
rid of the microwave oven and do not eat food in restaurants
that has been prepared or warmed up in a microwave oven.
In my opinion, chlorinated
and fluoridated water are dangerous as are all the toxic
metals, this whether they come from amalgams in the teeth
or mercury in vaccines or fish or aluminum from pots and
pans, foil, and wrappers.
Be really careful of pharmaceutical
medicines, including vitamins and supplements, that might
have used viral or fungal components as part of the manufacturing
White Blood Cells
There are several types of
white blood cells, but from everything I have observed in
live blood examinations, all the abnormal conditions are
sooner or later addressed by the white blood cells.
Think of your red and white
blood cells as swimming in a sea of plasma. If this
sea contains harsh chemicals, both the red and white blood
cells are damaged. Depending on what is causing the
damage, the red and white blood cells may become inefficient
or die. It's impossible for them to perform optimally
if the plasma contains toxic substances, if it is pH imbalanced,
or if the cells are not getting the nutrients they need in
order to be formed properly.
So, your diet as well as your
health aids, whether prescription or natural, are important.
I mentioned nearly a year ago,
white blood cells tend to avoid mold. If they are not
fast enough, they are destroyed by mold. However, after
taking Myco, what I saw was that
the hyphae broke and then the white blood cells attacked
the hyphae, very carefully, at the precise places of the
ruptures. This was the first time I had ever seen this
and it was a wonderful insight into how this particular herbal
formula works in a clinical situation.
To help people understand this,
I have to compare this action to other herbal actions. In
most herbal literature, the properties of herbs are described
as immune enhancing or T-cell potentiating or something like
this. Basically, what I see in the microscope is that
the herbs either increase the motility and appetites of white
blood cells so that they are more efficient in their debris
clean up or they increase the tolerance of white blood cells
to toxins. This is incredibly important because it
means that even if ingesting something very nasty, some herbs
help the white blood cells to survive. Without this
support, what I often see is that the white blood cells either
break on the edges and die or they become fuzzy and then
The higher the toxicity, the
faster white blood cells succumb, meaning the body uses enormous
resources to produce more and more workers but if the plasma
is full of hazards, this doesn't really help much.
Personal Note
As you all know, contrary to
some of my other writings, this is the first time I have
written so extensively on a condition that has affected me
personally. Very early on in my mold battle, I removed
the rest of my amalgams. This was a tedious task because
I was intolerant of the bonding agents used to cement the
Cerec restorations and I was so weak that it took a long
time to get all the anesthetics and such out of my system. However,
I think this paid off and I would surely recommend that others
at least consider the difficulty of healing when the body
is overtaxed.
I took so many formulas that
I don't think I could even begin to list all of them. I
know I guzzled herbs like my life depended on them. To
be really honest, I was most afraid of my loss of visual
acuity. My eyes itched so much that I often could not
see clearly enough to read my computer monitor until late
in the morning and sometimes not then. Of course, I
worried about my brain and fatigue and everything else, but
my eyes were my Achilles heel. I am so relieved not
to have this deep sense of vulnerability any more, but I
do not consider myself cured.
As I wrote recently, when I
took Whale's Tears, I saw dramatic progress in my blood. It's
my own formula. I developed it several years ago for
totally different purposes, but it's a very powerful immune
formula. I am guessing it's one of the strongest formulas
made; it's also unique because it contains very small amounts
essential oils as well as herbs.
Before this, I felt that mold
was having two enormously destructive effects that I was
not sure were entirely manageable. I had seen how to
disrupt the hyphae, meaning the feeding tubes that support
growth could be disturbed, but I had not actually seen the
blood revert to normal. It had no microbial activity
and did not die in the usual way. I could not call
it sterile because the mold was still decomposing both red
and white blood cells, but there were no microbes.
What this meant is that there
were still chemical imbalances, risks, and concerns. How
can I put this in perspective? I no longer have symptoms
of allergies and I am functional, but it would be an enormous
exaggeration to say I am out of the woods. Therefore,
the next stages of my own process, which I will continue
to share, will be how to remove all signs of mold infection
and regenerate any organs that have been damaged by years
of exposure to mold.
Many blessings,
Ingrid Naiman
8 October 2006
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