<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Mold Misery - Health Issues Associated with Mold and Sick Building Syndrome







  • Molds

    Molds (or moulds if you prefer) are fungi. Though technically a kingdom onto themselves, they resemble plants that lack chlorophyll. Practically translated, this means that rather than obtaining their nutrients through photosynthesis (light), mold obtains its food from others, usually from dead organisms, but, unfortunately, sometimes from living plants, animals, and people.

  • Mold and Fungi

There are hundreds of thousands of species of fungi.  Some fungi are edible, such as mushrooms, and others convert our trash to soil. This is obviously a wonderful and useful service, but as with any living and eating organism, there can be competition for available food as well as metabolic by-products.  These include digestive gases, some of which are irritating and others of which are toxic.

All mold belongs to the fungal kingdom of nature, but not all fungi are molds. Some people are allergic to certain molds whereas others are asymptomatic when exposed to the same molds.  Some molds are dangerous to all who are exposed to them.

  • Hyphae

Mold absorbs nutrients through a network of hyphae or mycelium created by the spores.  The hyphae secrete enzymes into the food source.  The food, when broken down by the enzymes, is absorbed into the mycelium.  The hypha is a tube with branches and sometimes tips, called haustoria, that penetrate the host tissue. Growth continues so long as there are nutrients.

Photomicrograph from hyphal structure in my blood.




Sacred Medicine Sanctuary



Notice:  The material on this site is based on the personal experiences and research of Ingrid Naiman, the site owner.  While every effort has been made to present accurate information, neither the site owner or web service provider claim the material will prevent or cure any medical condition, and no responsibility for the application of the information on this site is assumed by the any of the parties providing the content on this site.  None of the statements made on the site are intended to replace the services of health care or mold professionals.

Disclaimer: The information on this site has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.