<%@LANGUAGE="JAVASCRIPT" CODEPAGE="1252"%> Mold Misery - The Symptoms and Path of Recovery - Central Nervous System





Ingrid's Symptoms


Practitioners cannot heal people of mold-related medical problems if the environment in which people work or live is not corrected.  For this reason, I have gone into quite a bit of detail regarding the nature of the mold abatement measures.  Here, I want to discuss my own symptoms and progress in restoring my own health.

Ingrid's Mold-related Health Problems

Percent Improved
23 Nov 2005
16 Feb 2006
Sept 2012
Feelings of blacking out
Exhaustion, enervation
Memory and recall problems
Itchy Eyes
Burning nostrils
Itchy feet , sometimes with redness
Mucus, runny nose, expectoration
Odor emitting from body
Skin tags
Brown spots on skin, especially face
Achiness, especially in knees
Weight gain
Emotional frustration
Death of pets
Financial stress
Loss of productivity

I have listed the issues that I feel are directly connected to the mold problems.  Since we know that stress, such as inability to have control over my living situation, is a real health issue, I have included the subjective as well as objective symptoms.  The total erosion of my life savings, loss of momentum in my professional life, absence of anything remotely resembling a personal life, and chronic illness are serious matters that no one with a mold problem should underestimate.

My story is half good/half bad so I want to share what worked, rather what I believe has made the most difference.  People have all sorts of advice, like "breathe fresh air."  Frankly, while this feels good, it doesn't work if the moment one opens the door to the house, one is assailed by bizarre odors and almost instant recurrences of allergic reactions.


The fatigue symptoms were very severe, almost completely incapacitating.  Moreover, they were unrelenting, constant, and beyond anything I have ever known before.  They were, however, for the most part painless so it was very difficult to understand the precise nature of the enervation.  Keep in mind that in the beginning, I did not understand mold at all.  I spent months and then years learning to understand it.

Because I work at home, I did not have the benefit of comparing how I felt at work versus at home.  Therefore the first clue came when I gave a seminar in Portland, Oregon, and realized that I felt better and slept better in a hotel than in my own home.  I then understood that I was not ill with some chronic disease that had yet to be diagnosed; it was my house, not me.  More and more, I appreciated that if I was out of the house for a few hours, I started to feel like a normal human being; however, I only had to be in the house for 10-20 minutes before I thought I needed to take a nap.  Sometimes, I barely had time to put groceries into the refrigerator before the enervation overcame me. The naps were often hours long.  When I got up, I was all right for a few minutes and then usually wanted to go back to bed. 

I experimented by moving to different rooms of the house, sitting by open windows, turning off the heat, using only electric space heaters instead of forced air.   Nothing really made all that much difference.  I tried closing the house up tight; opening windows; closing windows downstairs, opening them upstairs.  You name it, I tried it. 

Then, we had some power failures.  I realized I was much worse when the power went out because, I believe, the UV light in the HVAC system was helping a bit.  It did not, however, help enough to relieve the symptoms significantly.  Where it seemed to make the biggest difference was with vomiting.  If the power went off and the HVAC went off, the dogs started vomiting within half an hour.  It took me more like four hours to heave.  Suffice it to say that despite countless measures to combat mold through air filtration methods, the fatigue did not go away. 

In the beginning, when the problem was worst, I spent about eight months feeling that nothing at all was helping.  In short, the work the insurance did cover and the countless air filtration and ventilation measures failed to relieve most of the symptoms.  What helped the most were the herbs, and these were not discovered until more than a year after moving into the house.


In February 2001, I was introduced to jatobá, a tropical herb with amazing antifungal properties.  Its taste put me off, but I soon came to love this herb.  What is perhaps most brilliant about this herb, shown on the sidebar, is that it combines its antifungal work with adrenal support.  As an herbalist and herbal formulator, I could only marvel at how much smarter Nature is than people because anyone with a fungal problem is exhausted.  As I mentioned elsewhere, I believe I owe my life to jatobá.  After some months of steady use, the slurring went away completely.  I was still a little dizzy at times, almost always when standing at the top of the stairway, but I did not feel I was reeling or that one day someone would find me at the bottom of the stairs with my head gashed.

I continue the use of jatobá to this day.  I love it, treasure it, and respect its power.


I had had serious memory problems.  The more familiar something was, the harder it was to remember.  There were times when I drew a total blank.  I knew I knew, but the words wouldn't come.  This also corrected almost completely with jatobá.

To be honest, I have an herbal pharmacy with several hundred different formulas so it was rare that I was taking only one herb, but I am totally certain that none of the other herbs addressed the truly serious mold symptoms, not the allergies or the deeper consequences of mold exposure.

Health in General

As one might expect of anyone in my circumstances, I felt I was losing my grip on life.  I value my work and service so much that incapacity, especially incapacity characterized by a practically comatose existence, was not like a much-needed vacation with a book one has wanted to read.  This was like a void, a black hole grabbing all one's life force and trapping one in an endless maze of complications and complexities.  I was very often doubtful that I could hold on, but there was always a new something or other to try, usually soundly recommended but recommended by people who have not actually experienced the dangers of mold.  For instance, I do not know whether people lie or not when they claim their devices will remove all mold; I just know they are wrong.  Nothing worked as promised except jatobá.

With all my margins gone, I became more fanatical about health than ever before.  I bought a water distiller and water oxygenator and Willard Water to replace the minerals lost in distillation.  I tried many brands of bottled water, including some that were several times more expensive than gasoline.  I knew I had to flush toxins out of my system.  I drank aloe vera juice, countless liver and blood tonics, kidney tonics, you name it, hundreds of dollars of herbs every month just to try to protect the margins that seemed so eroded.  I cannot say any of this hurt me, but it did not cure me.  I believe it is impossible to overcome the challenges to health without first correcting the environment in which we spend our time.


Ingrid Naiman
23 November 2005


Continued, toxicity and skin problems



Please note:  this section of the site is divided into three main parts:   allergies, immunity, and toxicity.  This site is very new and the pages are going up as fast as I can write them.  To stay informed of new posts, please subscribe to the site.

Central Nervous System Symptoms || Odor and Toxicity || Allergies



Notice:  The material on this site is based on the personal experiences and research of Ingrid Naiman, the site owner.  While every effort has been made to present accurate information, neither the site owner or web service provider claim the material will prevent or cure any medical condition, and no responsibility for the application of the information on this site is assumed by the any of the parties providing the content on this site.  None of the statements made on the site are intended to replace the services of health care or mold professionals.

Disclaimer: The information on this site has not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. The products described are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.